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The Georgian language: a linguistic gem to discover?

découvrez la langue géorgienne, son histoire, sa grammaire et son usage actuel, avec des ressources linguistiques et culturelles utiles.

Origins and history of the Georgian language

THE linguistic cartulary is a fascinating panorama, and the Georgian language holds a remarkable place in it, crystallizing centuries of history, culture and traditions.

The ancestral roots of the Georgian language

The Georgian language, locally known as “Kartuli”, is notable for its mysterious origins and varied influences. She is the most spoken representative of languages kartvelians, a linguistic family indigenous to the South Caucasus. Its genesis is lost in the mists of time, as for theBasque, the Basque language, whose origins remain enigmatic and often compared by their distance from other European linguistic families.

From the alphabet to the first literary expressions

Georgian is renowned for its alphabet unique, the creation of which is traditionally attributed to two great Christian saints, Saint Nino and Saint Gregory. Designed to best fit the complex phonetics of the language, this alphabet underwent several evolutions over the centuries, before stabilizing in its current form in the 11th century.
Emerging Georgian literature is an anthology of religious works, with the appearance of first Christian novel from the East Arabic, reflecting the strong cultural interactions between Georgia and its neighbors. These ancient texts reveal not only the religious fervor but also the narrative and poetic richness of the Georgian language.

Georgia at the crossroads of linguistic influences

Over the centuries, Georgia has found itself at the crossroads of multiple empires, from the Persians to the Russians, shaping its identity and that of its language. The passionate Soviet Hélène Carrère d’Encausse looked at the implications of these exchanges for the post-Soviet space, a significant era for Georgian language and culture. Soviet influence was significant, but the Georgian language preserved its essence thanks to a strong national feeling.
Georgia has thus been able to maintain a strong linguistic identity while integrating external elements, a diversity which is evident during events such asEuropalia Georgia, where the joy of the nation in promoting its cultural and linguistic heritage is expressed.

The contemporary evolution of the Georgian language

Today, Georgian continues to modernize and adapt to the needs of its speakers. International openness and the entry into the digital age have brought new terms and structures, enriching the language with new nuances. However, the foundations remain intact, testimony to the cultural resilience of the Georgian nation.
In conclusion, the Georgian language is a linguistic gem, bearing witness to a rich and complex history, intersecting influences and perpetual evolution that continues to intrigue and fascinate. His study is a true journey through time which highlights the importance of preserving this invaluable heritage.

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